Brakes are the automobile component plays an important role respect to safety and in performance of automobile. According to the crash report of automobiles about 22 % of crash occurred due to the failure in brakes. This Paper discusses the wear mechanisms and wear modelling techniques in brake surface for increasing the effectiveness and preciseness with the influence of different operating conditions. The surface topography of brake pad interface at various stages and wear mechanisms of brake is studied and summarized. The wear models analysed for studying the numerical modelling techniques of brakes contact surface interaction, which was beneficial to improve life and performance of brake. The influence of operating parameters like contact temperature, pressure and sliding velocity on surface interface behaviour of different brake materials were summarized and analysed. Studies conclude that there was rapid process of wear with increasing temperature and formation of new layer on the brake surface due to heat which changes the tribological surface behavior and slow process wear with increase in pressure. The braking performance have complicated influence of wear due to that the perfect prediction of brake surface interaction and operating parameter influence is necessary to minimize the effect and improves the life, safety, reliability and performance of braking system.