Study on Enhancement on Software Quality by Scheduling Techniques of Real Time Systems


Real time systems are type of operating systems that respond with respect to time. Quality of real time systems is of at most importance as failure of system can lead to severe results. Quality assurance procedures, methods and standards must be implemented to ensure quality of the system.  Different scheduling techniques are adopted as per requirement of the system. Systems are designed according to user/organization needs and accordingly scheduling technique is followed. Whatever technique is adopted; it must follow quality attributes to make it work successfully. Paper has described dependency of scheduling on the type of the system being chosen along with task/processes working in it. Comparative analysis is performed to evaluate quality assurance of each technique discussed with respect to quality attributes. Quality can be different from organization to organization but all systems expect degree of excellence to be implemented without fail. Fault tolerance and reliability are main features of real time computing too. So Quality assurance can only guarantee effective scheduling approach to make real time system a successful sample for other systems to survive in race of modernized quality assured systems.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 2:49 am