In this study we aimed to perform an exact simulation based on the combination of Vortex Panel Method and Falkner Skan Method for NACA 0006 in low angle of attacks. As it is obvious, lift coefficient is governed by the pressure distribution around the airfoil. Besides, skin friction coefficient (related to skin drag coefficient) is highly depended on the distribution of velocity in viscos region. Therefore, in the present work, a hybrid solver is derived in which couples the Vortex Panel Method with Falkner Skan Method for simultaneously solving the boundary layer and invisid region. Dealing with Falkner Skan and Panel method, we have already assumed that the flow is incompressible and also the self- similarity assumption exists for the entire boundary layer, which means that flow separation is simply ignored. This last assumption is mostly valid for low Reynolds numbers and/ or low angle of attacks and/ or thin airfoils as NACA 0006.