Literature Survey on Intelligent Traffic Surveillance System using Swarm Technology


An increased population growth rate leads to create traffic congestions .This have been a serious problem faced by almost all areas worldwide, affecting an environmental, economic and ecological sectors .Conventional traffic system could not evaluate gigantic traffic concentration in very effective modus, also it is time consuming system where waiting time is identical for unlike masses. SWARM is based on adaptive, collective, decentralized, co-ordination, self-organization properties .It is a system in which all nodes or members of system interact with each other to bring about particular task in an intelligent, efficient and in decentralized fashion .It need  not to be centralized .It is non-hackable system. Swarm is preeminent option to handle tasks which are intricate adequate to perform congestion avoidance, traffic flow improvement. Till now swarm technology was used in field of robotic, computer science, telecommunication. This paper briefly covers implementation of swarm technology in traffic signal with the help of distributed, adaptive, self-organization, multi-agent approach such that each signal will interact with one another. This paper is concentrating on different Biological algorithms which are used for implementation of the system.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 3:37 am