Elena – A Novel ComponentBased Life Cycle Model


As day by day the digital world is spreading all over the world, user is dependent more and more on information technology. From household activities to the big scientific activities, everything is impossible without the use of information technology.  Although the enormous growth shown by the Information Technology world also faces large number of challenges and issues every day. To solve the challenges of software development, which start from developing the software from the scratch, the component based software engineering (CBSE) has become the solution in the form of ready-made package. One of the inspiration to adopting CBSE as software development paradigm is the easily available software within less time frame and the lesser cost. Here the objective of this paper is to present an innovative software life cycle model for CBSE and to fulfill the need of IT community by providing the ready to use software system to end user within the limited time frame and in limited budget.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 2:33 am