Design and Fabrication of Solar Powered Hydrogen Ammonia Ab-sorption Refrigeration System


The word Solar in the title of the project has key importance because our main aim to develop this project was to introduce such a refrigeration system which could utilize the solar energy instead of electricity.Besides solar energy,the system could also be run on waste heat from engines,turbines etc.As sun is the ultimate source of energy and can be found everywhere in the universe and especially Pakistan is one of those countries where there are maximum number of sunny days per annum.The rural areas where there is inadequate electricity can be easily benefitted with such a refrigeration system. We have tried our best to make the system as efficient as possible by using Titanium Nitride Oxide coating to enhance the absorbing capacity of solar collector.Styrofoam has been used to increase insulation.This system can easily be used by the tourists during camping stay far away from home.The working process is very simple with three fluid systems namely water as an absorber,ammonia as a refrigerant and hydrogen as a pressure regulating gas having its currents within the evaporator and absorber. Water after absorbing ammonia is moved to the generator with the help of a bubble pump where heat is given to the mixture from the solar collector. After heating, ammonia is separated from water because of its low boiling point and moves to the condenser where heat is extracted from it and is sent to the evaporator. In the evaporator the overall pressure of ammonia and hydrogen is divided causing faster evaporation of ammonia in the evaporator by achieving low boiling point and causing cooling.

The work illustrated deals with the design, fabrication and testing of the aforementioned concept. The system was operated on a sunny day, the collector fluid temperature and cabin temperatures were monitored. The obtained results have been tabulated and the C.O.P and tonnage of the refrigerator were also computed.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 2:58 am