Category: Uncategorized

Mobile Clustering Algorithm for Effective Clustering in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks

ABSTRACT A wireless sensor node is poised by a sensor, processor, confined memory, transceiver and a low-powered battery. To lessen the data communication period and energy intake, the sensor nodes are accumulated into a quantity of minute clutches denoted as clusters and the occurrence is mentioned as clustering. Essentially, clustering could be categorized into centralized, […]

Productivity Index Decline Curve Analysis and Its Application to Well Surveillance

ABSTRACT The productivity index (PI) is one useful tool used in assessing well productivity in the oil industry. As the reservoir pressure declines during production, the decline in well productivity becomes inevitable following the depletion of the hydrocarbon in place. Hence, the well productivity index declines over time even as the strength of the predominant […]

Dynamic Analysis of Power Loss Minimization and Voltage Profile Enhancement Using UPFC Device with Differential Evolution Algorithm

ABSTRACT Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a versatile FACTS device which can provide full dynamic control of a transmission line parameters, bus voltage, line impedance and phase angle for improved system security. However, the extent that performance of UPFC can be brought out, it greatly dependent upon the location and size of this device […]

An Analysis of Novel CMOS Ring Oscillator Using LECTOR Tech-nique with Minimum Leakage

ABSTRACT when we require developing digital integrated circuits, then we are facing many challenges like the way of greater energy consumption. The mixture of minor procedure geometries, greater functional integration and higher clock speed shave contributed to important enhanced in power density, so there are many methods which can be utilized to decrease leakage power […]