An Effective Mechanism for Integrity of Data Sanitization Process in the Cloud


Recent Developments in Cloud Computing are leading to a promising future for addressing the security issues in the cloud, where data is distributed and connected over a network belonging to different organizations  and data can be migrated from one vendor to the other vendor .The security related to the data can be addressed in three forms .Data in Rest, Data in Transmission,  Data in Computation. Now a day’s cloud infrastructure s are widely used for data storage and processing, however  this environment represents a serious threat for data privacy, since document containing the sensitive data might not be made available  for unauthorized parties. Although such procedures are available in removing such sensitive data after its been used by the user so as not to be utilized further by unauthorized users or if the user wishes to migrate data from one cloud to the other cloud, it must be ensured that the data in the old service provider must be completely removed as it should not be available for  the old cloud service provider. The various techniques of Data Sanitization are available. We propose a mechanism which effective monitors the integrity of data sanitization process by using Monitoring as a Service with the help of third party service.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 3:03 am