SPI Controller is one of the high performance system bus slaves and provides a simple software interface to the SPI peripherals and the CPU. The AHB slave main function is an interface unit that allows AHB logic to initiate a data transfer on the AHB. The AHB specifies the type transaction to be executed on the slave through a user friendly interface. The SPI Controller provides access to devices with SPI Interface and performs Read Operation, Write Operation or Read/Write Operation. In this paper we are designing a SPI Memory Controller which is compatible with the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) developed by ARM. We are developing a SPI Module which can operate based on the Advanced High Performance Bus (AHB) signals. Aim lies in the Interfacing of the SPI controller to the ARM Processor using the AMBA AHB Bus. Synthesis and simulation is carried out to verify the functionality of the design.