A Study on Different Human Health Risk Assessment Tools for Contaminated Soil


This study focused on the different tools which are used for the assessment of health risk due to contaminated soils in worldwide scenario. Some of the tools are useful for contaminated lands only but there is also availability of tools which have the features to assessment of risk for contaminated soil and water both. In this study, numbers of tools are studied with their features, developed by different countries to contaminated land management and remediation. England, Denmark England, United Kingdom, Netherland, Italy, Germany, Belgium and United States of America were also developed their different models for this problem. Addition to these models, some were also developed by different private agencies for land contamination problem exiting in lower middle income countries. DESYRE- (DEcision Support sYstem for REhabilitation of contaminated sites), SYRIADE (Spatial decision support sYstem for RegIonal Assessment of degraded Land) and GLOCOM (Global Partners in Contaminated Land Management) etc. were some of the Decision support system which were developed by the coloration of different counties. The paper has contained the overview of different tools used for contaminated land management.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 3:06 am