Secure Blind Storage with Multiple User Access Provision


In cloud computing, the client has to secure their private data from the server. To solve the concern, a storage scheme is used called as a Blind Server. Blind Server will act as a secured cloud storage service such that it does not know how the files are organized neither the size of each file nor the data in the file. The server will be free from computation overhead and will only act as a storage server. Two level securities have been given to the data stored in the cloud by the client. In the first level, data has been encrypted and stored in the cloud. In the second level, the file is split into multiple fixed size block and stored in pseudo-random location in the hard disk so that the server will not be able to learn about which the blocks that make up a file are. This model of storage system is simulated on CloudSim. In the prior work, there is no information maintained about the blocks that contains the various splits of a single file and also there is no multiple user access provision. In the proposed scheme, the information about the blocks that hold the data of a file in the hard disk is stored in an array which is maintained by the client. By this mechanism, we have reduced the time taken for accessing a file by downloading and decrypting only the blocks that constitute the file along with multiple user access provision for the data stored in the cloud storage.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 3:10 am