Luitspell: Development of an Assamese Language Spell Checker for Open Office Writer


This work primarily aim on different aspects of designing a spell checker for the Assamese language and integrating it as an add-on into Open Office Writer. Besides emphasizing on error detection and suggestion generation the programming model and challenges of developing the add-on for the aforementioned application has also been discussed. The system also takes care of the morphological aspects of the words. The algorithm generates a set of suggestion for misspelled words with the dictionary words by minimum edit distance techniques. Other techniques for suggestion generation such as soundex scheme are not explored. The system after integrating with Open Office Writer can detect spelling errors of Assamese words and if found wrong, it will suggest correct alternatives. This work mainly emphasizes on (1) Precision (2) Recall and (3) Well behavior in Open Office environment. For error detection and suggestion generation the results are given in terms of precision and recall.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 3:33 am