Combination of DNA Sequence in Scan Patterns and Dyadic Permutation in Securing the Image Contents


With the huge growth of computer networks and the latest advances in digital technologies, a huge amount of digital data is being exchanged over various types of networks. It is true that a large part of the information is either confidential or private. As a result, different techniques have been used to provide the security. The security of digital images has attracted more attention and many different image encryption methods have been proposed to enhance the security of the images. Digital data security is achieved by methods of cryptography, which deals with encryption of data. The common method of protecting the digital documents is to scramble the content so that the true message of the documents is unknown. The proposed method combines the concept of scan patterns and dyadic permutation. Scan patterns shuffles the pixels of the image and dissipate the high correlation among pixels. Dyadic permutation process performs repositioning of the pixels in the image. Carrier images are generated using random sequence based on DNA. Carrier image has been used for encrypting and decrypting images. The system is tested for different types of images of different size. The results obtained are analyzed through histograms and correlation coefficient which shows that the developed system is working satisfactorily.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 3:34 am