Teeth Feature Extraction and Matching for Human Identification Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform Algorithm


Dental biometrics has emerged as vital biometric information of human being due to its stability, invariant nature and uniqueness. Dental radiograph and dental photograph are tools mostly used in biometrics as it provides information about teeth in detail. The proposed system has four main stages as preprocessing, feature extraction, feature matching and finalized recognized person. Preprocessing stage uses conversion and segmentation of quiery input image to make it fesible for feature extraction. Feature extraction uses SIFT algoritham as it extract highly distinctive invariant features which uses for matching purpose. In matching input image is comparatively matched with every image of database and find out the maximum matched features image of person. The system is work for both types of dental images i.e. photograph and radiograph in which two different datasets are required. The required database contains 50 images of dental photographs and 50 images of dental radiographs so experimentation has done on total 100 images and that are taken from Dyanita dental clinic. The proposed system is implemented in Matlab/ R2012a programming tool.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 3:42 am