Encrypted Data Management with Deduplication in Cloud Computing


Cloud Computing is an information technology concept which plays a vital role in the data processing and data storing. It also plays a crucial role in the Internet of Things (IoT). The data stored in the cloud should be secured to prevent the unauthorized access. There comes a data security concept known as Encryption. In order to maintain the users Privacy and the security of the data is stored in the cloud in the encrypted or cipher-text format. By this, only the encrypted data is going to be stored in the cloud which reduces the usage of the storage devices up to a great extent. This is mainly used for storing very large size datasets like for the big data. We have a lot of deduplication schemes which avoids the duplicate data, but the main problem with those schemes are lack of security and lack of tractability for the secure data access control. Due to these two problems very few of them are taken into practice. In this, we used a scheme known as Attribute based Encryption to deduplicated the encrypted data to provide secure data access control.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 2:32 am