A Perspective for Soft Robotics: Bio-Inspired Evolution in Robotics


For the evolution of innovative robots, the method of approach that plays a vital role is biological inspiration. The concept of the Inspire-Abstract-Implement (IAI) design flow as a criterion for innovative, biologically inspired robots are introduced in this article. With the exploitation of their soft structures, animals are able to move effectively in complex natural environments. Taking inspiration from such natural phenomenon, robotics engineers have been inspired to incorporate soft technologies into their design for optimum results. The objective is to equip robots with modern, bio-inspired facilities which permits adaptive, flexible and pliable interactions with unpredictable environments. This paper reviews soft-bodied robotics systems and focuses on the current advancements that has kindled inspiration by soft-bodied animals. Integrating technologies inspired by soft-bodied animals can make mechanical and analytical complexities easier, and can even result in a comparatively more natural outcome. Consolidating this technology might even hasten the improvement of machines, which are able to interact with humans and natural environments without danger. These machines have the ability to achieve deformations to a vast extent and are able to use the compliant distortions of the body to adapt to a particular surrounding. In conclusion, incorporating soft technology with various fields can be done to create hybrid structures for innumerable practices.

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Updated: June 26, 2023 — 2:57 am